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The Evaluation of Banking Stability based on discriminant analysis
Rok: 2006
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Medzinárodné vedecké dni 2006 - Konkurencieschopnosť v EÚ - výzva pre krajiny V4
Název nakladatele: Slovenská poľnohospodárská univerzita v Nitre
Místo vydání: Nitra
Strana od-do: 1340-1348
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Hodnocení stability banky s použitím diskirminační analýzy banka;stabilita;finanční ukazatelé;diskriminační analýza
eng The Evaluation of Banking Stability based on discriminant analysis The aim of this paper is to introduce the bank stability model based on discriminant analysis. The model is devised on the basis of an financial indicators analysis of selected banking institutions based in the Czech Republic in the period from 1995 until 2003. The banks were divided into two groups ? the group of operating banks and the group of bankrupted banks. This division was done according to the real development of the Czech banking sector based on data provided by the Czech National Bank. All banks providing services in the Czech Republic in the period of 1995- 2003 were analyzed in the model except for building societies and foreign bank?s subsidiaries. Data for calculation of financial indicators was taken from bank?s financial statements, i.e. from the balance sheet and profit and loss statement. bank;stability;financial indicators;discriminant analysis