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Using Hill-climber algorithm for interpretation of Regional Data
Rok: 2005
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Název nakladatele: WSEAS Press
Místo vydání: Atény
Strana od-do: 278
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Využití horolezeckého algoritmu pro interpetaci regionálních dat V článku je popsána metoda horolezeckého algoritmu a jeho využití pro výpočet dat, které se dají využít pro regionální analýzu. Optimalizační metody, horolezecký algoritmus
eng Using Hill-climber algorithm for interpretation of Regional Data Some of the traditional problem-solving strategies guarantee finding the global solution, others don´t, but they all share a common pattern. Either they guarantee discovering the global solution, but are too expensive (time consuming) for solving typical real-world problems, or else they have a tendency of getting stuck in local optima. We have one possibility with procedure called an iterated hill-climber. After reaching a local optimum, a new starting point is generated and the search is commenced all over again. One of the two approaches how to solve these problems is called simulated annealing. We discuss it in this paper. The modernizing Government agenda is accelerating, with the emphasis on the local delivery of improved public service. Thus, to get a quality answer to a strategic enquiry, the special methods are necessary; when a simulated annealing method seems to be suitable. Global optimization, Hill-climber algorithm, Regional Data Source