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Přihlášení pro zaměstnance

Publikace detail

Evropské služby zaměstnanosti
Autoři: Hájek Petr
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: E+M Ekonomie a Management
Název nakladatele: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Místo vydání: Liberec
Strana od-do: 20-22
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Evropské služby zaměstnanosti Public employment services have to contribute towards matching supply and demand on the labour market through the provision of information, placemnet and active support services. There are many new trends in public employment services nowadays. Public services use the advances of information society. The article deals with the new information system EURES. veřejné služby zaměstnanosti, EURES, politika zaměstnanosti
eng The European Employment Services Public employment services have to contribute towards matching supply and demand on the labour market through the provision of information, placemnet and active support services. There are many new trends in public employment services nowadays. Public services use the advances of information society. The article deals with the new information system EURES. public employment services, EURES, employment policy