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Publikace detail

Czech Republic - Analysis of the Financial perspective
Autoři: Mandysová Ivana
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: SIMPEC
Název nakladatele: Informarket printing house
Místo vydání: Rumunsko
Strana od-do: 202-209
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Czech Republic - Analysis of the Financial perspective The current most important aim is preparation of the Czech Republic for the European Union membership. The Czech Republic exploits pre-accession instruments as Phare, ISPA, SAPARD, described in the article. The article deals with specific steps ? Czech Republic application for the European Union membership, describes Association agreement, legislation harmonization, key document ? National Programme for the preparation of the Czech Republic for EU membership. This article shows analysis of financial perspective focusing on the costs of pre-accession aid. It gives recommendations how to clarify and justify allocations.
eng Czech Republic - Analysis of the Financial perspective The current most important aim is preparation of the Czech Republic for the European Union membership. The Czech Republic exploits pre-accession instruments as Phare, ISPA, SAPARD, described in the article. The article deals with specific steps ? Czech Republic application for the European Union membership, describes Association agreement, legislation harmonization, key document ? National Programme for the preparation of the Czech Republic for EU membership. This article shows analysis of financial perspective focusing on the costs of pre-accession aid. It gives recommendations how to clarify and justify allocations. Analysis of the Financial perspective