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Technology of Data Marts for Public Administration
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Public Administration 2004
Název nakladatele: Univerzita Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do: 4
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Techonogie datových martů pro veřejnou správu In a current municipality the information environment is oriented to expeditious data, i.e. it involves transactional information systems based on database and/or geographical systems. Recruitment of ICT specialists represents a difficult problem for most municipalities because most of them are rather small in the Czech Republic ? 59% of Czech municipalities have up to 499 inhabitants, and 80% of municipalities fall within the category of municipalities having up to 999 inhabitants. In addition to it, the existing database is scattered because there is no coordination among institutions of public administration. This problem can be dealt with by applying the technology of data marts.
eng Technology of Data Marts for Public Administration In a current municipality the information environment is oriented to expeditious data, i.e. it involves transactional information systems based on database and/or geographical systems. Recruitment of ICT specialists represents a difficult problem for most municipalities because most of them are rather small in the Czech Republic ? 59% of Czech municipalities have up to 499 inhabitants, and 80% of municipalities fall within the category of municipalities having up to 999 inhabitants. In addition to it, the existing database is scattered because there is no coordination among institutions of public administration. This problem can be dealt with by applying the technology of data marts. data mart, public administration, information systems, information society