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Web-based Geographic Information Systems and their Usability
Autoři: Komárková Jitka | Jedlička Martin | Hub Miloslav
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Recent advances in applied computer science
Název nakladatele: WSEAS Press
Místo vydání: Atény
Strana od-do: 97-102
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Webové geografické informační systémy a jejich použitelnost V příspěvku je popsán navržený postup pro uživatelské hodnocení použitelnosti webových GIS aplikací. Dále je popsána případová studie - hodnocení použitelnosti 14 webových GIS aplikací provozovaných krajskými úřady v ČR s využitím navrženého postupu. webový GIS;použitelnost;GIS;eGovernment;informační společnost
eng Web-based Geographic Information Systems and their Usability Usability of web-based geographic information systems (GIS) applications is very important Many various usability evaluation methods have been developed. Some of them involve real users or their representatives, some of them are based only on GIS experts evaluation. Experimental user usability testing done by representatives of users is a possibility. In this case environment is artificial and the whole experiment must be precisely conducted and controlled. In any case usability testing method must be precisely proposed for the given situation and conditions. Aim of the paper is to propose a suitable usability user testing method to evaluate 14 equal web-based GIS applications (all run by the Czech Regional Authorities and targeted at citizens and other end users). The main aim of proposed evaluation is to identify the most serious usability problems of the evaluated applications. The identified problems are described in the end of the paper. Web-based GIS;Usability;GIS;eGovernment;Information Society