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Towards Establishing a Score of Usability Evaluation
Autoři: Hub Miloslav | Zatloukal Michal
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: E+M Ekonomie a Management
Název nakladatele: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Místo vydání: Liberec
Strana od-do: 156-168
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Stanovení skóre ohodnocení použitelnsti The paper deals with the problem of finding a methodology which allows obtaining a score of usability evaluation for various kinds of user interfaces. The evaluation is in principle based on a definition of a set of properly chosen key characteristics affecting the usability of the user interface. Such criteria are then evaluated by a group of typical users of the system. These evaluations are in principle expressed as imprecise, vague linguistic expressions stating commonly known truths representing some value of quality of use. Since the crisp numbers cannot directly express vague terms or ambiguities, theory of fuzzy logic has been chosen as the most appropriate apparatus to deal with the uncertainty. The evaluations expressed in users? natural language are converted to the set of normalized evaluation words. With the help of database of commonly used words, users are not limited to use their common language.
eng Towards Establishing a Score of Usability Evaluation The paper deals with the problem of finding a methodology which allows obtaining a score of usability evaluation for various kinds of user interfaces. The evaluation is in principle based on a definition of a set of properly chosen key characteristics affecting the usability of the user interface. Such criteria are then evaluated by a group of typical users of the system. These evaluations are in principle expressed as imprecise, vague linguistic expressions stating commonly known truths representing some value of quality of use. Since the crisp numbers cannot directly express vague terms or ambiguities, theory of fuzzy logic has been chosen as the most appropriate apparatus to deal with the uncertainty. The evaluations expressed in users? natural language are converted to the set of normalized evaluation words. With the help of database of commonly used words, users are not limited to use their common language. Usability evaluation;user interface;fuzzy theory;usability score