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Vytěžování informací ze sociálních sítí
Autoři: Michálek Karel
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Sborník abstraktů z VIII. mezinárodní konference studentů doktorských studijních programů IMEA 2008
Název nakladatele: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Místo vydání: Liberec
Strana od-do: 1-5
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vytěžování informací ze sociálních sítí This paper deals with the mining of social networks that are placed in cyberspace. So far, social networks have been analyzed in a very general and inaccurate way. The existing research of social networks is experimental and is carried out mainly at universities. It usually works with few general parameters: for example, it determines the social interaction vector and provides the subsequent visualization of social network. Such description is useless for social network mining and the further practical use of the mined data. The main reason is that it lacks relevant information ? primarily about social network nodes. Fortunately, the rise of the Internet has changed this dramatically. The popularity of community services in the context of Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 (such as blogs, knowledge-sharing sites, collaborative filtering systems, social networking sites, newsgroups, etc.) offers undiscovered possibilities. These networks often contain large data sets. The data are obtained directly from user or by keeping trace and record of the user?s behavior in cyberspace. The use of all these indicators and relationships gives focused view of the structure of social networks and offers the data necessary for understanding and using the potential of social networks. Information thus obtained can help, for example, improve searching, marketing, management, etc. Finally, the paper suggests a method of using the information mined from social networks to simplify the searching for multimedia files in social cyberspace. sociální síť;data mining;multimediální soubory;popis.
eng Mining of Social Networks This paper deals with the mining of social networks that are placed in cyberspace. So far, social networks have been analyzed in a very general and inaccurate way. The existing research of social networks is experimental and is carried out mainly at universities. It usually works with few general parameters: for example, it determines the social interaction vector and provides the subsequent visualization of social network. Such description is useless for social network mining and the further practical use of the mined data. The main reason is that it lacks relevant information ? primarily about social network nodes. Fortunately, the rise of the Internet has changed this dramatically. The popularity of community services in the context of Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 (such as blogs, knowledge-sharing sites, collaborative filtering systems, social networking sites, newsgroups, etc.) offers undiscovered possibilities. These networks often contain large data sets. The data are obtained directly from user or by keeping trace and record of the user?s behavior in cyberspace. The use of all these indicators and relationships gives focused view of the structure of social networks and offers the data necessary for understanding and using the potential of social networks. Information thus obtained can help, for example, improve searching, marketing, management, etc. Finally, the paper suggests a method of using the information mined from social networks to simplify the searching for multimedia files in social cyberspace. social network;data mining;multimedia files;description.