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Process mining a možnost využití analýzy sociálních sítí
Autoři: Filipová Jana
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Sborník abstraktů z VIII. mezinárodní konference studentů doktorských studijních programů IMEA 2008
Název nakladatele: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Místo vydání: Liberec
Strana od-do: 1-5
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Process mining a možnost využití analýzy sociálních sítí The article introduces a new area of process analysis, process mining (PM). This scientific realm is rather young and originated at the Eidhoven University of Technology. Process, that means the way an organization arranges there work and recourses. Nowadays, organizations have very explicit process descriptions of the way the work is organized and this description is supported by a process aware information system like a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) or Workflow management system (WfMS) and so on. Process mining targets the automatic discovery of information from an event log. So the starting point of any process mining technique is an event log. The second part of the article deals with the possibilities for the use of social networks analysis - SNA (which is used for the analyses of the communication structure in organisations, for example e-mails communication) - in the field of process mining. Social network analysis is an approach and set of techniques used to study the exchange of resources among actors (i.e., indicie groups, or organizations). One such resource is information. Regular patterns of information exchange reveal themselves as social networks, with actors as nodes in the network and information exchange relationships as connectors between nodes. proces;procesní management;process mining;analýza sociálních sítí
eng Process mining and a Possibility to Use Social Network Analysis The article introduces a new area of process analysis, process mining (PM). This scientific realm is rather young and originated at the Eidhoven University of Technology. Process, that means the way an organization arranges there work and recourses. Nowadays, organizations have very explicit process descriptions of the way the work is organized and this description is supported by a process aware information system like a Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) or Workflow management system (WfMS) and so on. Process mining targets the automatic discovery of information from an event log. So the starting point of any process mining technique is an event log. The second part of the article deals with the possibilities for the use of social networks analysis - SNA (which is used for the analyses of the communication structure in organisations, for example e-mails communication) - in the field of process mining. Social network analysis is an approach and set of techniques used to study the exchange of resources among actors (i.e., indicie groups, or organizations). One such resource is information. Regular patterns of information exchange reveal themselves as social networks, with actors as nodes in the network and information exchange relationships as connectors between nodes. process;process management;process mining;social network analysis