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Přesnost odhadu v autoregresních modelech
Autoři: Kubanová Jana | Linda Bohdan
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Forum Statisticum Slovacum
Název nakladatele: Slovenská štatistická a demografická spoločnosť
Místo vydání: Bratislava
Strana od-do: 81-88
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Přesnost odhadu v autoregresních modelech The time series analysis is very common problem of the economical practice. AR(p) models can be quite suitable tool in certain cases. The goal is to estimate the parameters of these models. The estimates can be provided by the classical methods of the mathematical statistics, but one important question emerges, respectively how exact is such estimate. The resampling methods can offer any solution when the first or second order autoregressive model is applied. Both of the mentioned methods are based in fitting of the model and subsequently in simulation of its residuals by the bootstrap process. autoregresní modely, bootstrapová methoda, odhady parametrů
eng Accuracy of estimates in autoregressive models The time series analysis is very common problem of the economical practice. AR(p) models can be quite suitable tool in certain cases. The goal is to estimate the parameters of these models. The estimates can be provided by the classical methods of the mathematical statistics, but one important question emerges, respectively how exact is such estimate. The resampling methods can offer any solution when the first or second order autoregressive model is applied. Both of the mentioned methods are based in fitting of the model and subsequently in simulation of its residuals by the bootstrap process. autoregressive models, bootstrap method, parameters estimate