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Classification Model based on Rough and Fuzzy Sets Theory
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference CIMMACS 2007 and the 5th WSEAS International Conference EED 2007
Název nakladatele: WSEAS Press
Místo vydání: Greece
Strana od-do: 199-203
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Model klaisfikace založený na teorii fuzzy a rough množin V příspěvku jsou aplikovány dvě součásti výpočetní inteligennce - fuzzy množiny a rough množiny v modelu klasifikace dat. Hybridní model byl testován v Matlabu na různých testovacích datech. fuzzy množiny;rough množiny;klasifikace
eng Classification Model based on Rough and Fuzzy Sets Theory The paper reflects the trend of the past years which is based on the diffusion of various traditional approaches and methods to the way of tackling new problems. Two components of the computational intelligence are applied in a classification model. It means rough and fuzzy sets on the basis of which the data classification hybrid model is proposed. It even allows operating with uncertainty data. This model is carried out in MATLAB, and tested on more data files, and compared to others, already known classification methods. Classification;rough sets theory;fuzzy sets theory;rules generation;hybrid model