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Air Quality Modelling by Kohonen's Neural Networks
Autoři: Olej Vladimír | Hájek Petr | Křupka Jiří | Obršálová Ilona
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference CIMMACS 2007 and the 5th WSEAS International Conference EED 2007
Název nakladatele: WSEAS Press
Místo vydání: Atény
Strana od-do: 221-226
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Air Quality Modelling by Kohonen's Neural Networks The paper presents a design of parameters for air quality modelling and the classification of districts into classes according to their pollution. Further, it presents a model design, data pre-processing, the designs of various structures of Kohonen's Self-organizing Feature Maps (unsupervised methods), the clustering by K-means algorithm and the classification.
eng Air Quality Modelling by Kohonen's Neural Networks The paper presents a design of parameters for air quality modelling and the classification of districts into classes according to their pollution. Further, it presents a model design, data pre-processing, the designs of various structures of Kohonen's Self-organizing Feature Maps (unsupervised methods), the clustering by K-means algorithm and the classification. Air quality;Modelling;Kohonen's Self-organizing Feature Maps;K-means algorithm;Classification