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Publikace detail

Rok: 2024
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: IDIMT-2024 Changes to ICT, Management, and Business Processes throught AI : 32nd Interdisciplinary Managment talks
Název nakladatele: Trauner Verlag
Místo vydání: Linz
Strana od-do: 257-265
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze MESSAGE BROADCASTING METHODS FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) have shown noticeable growth in recent years in changing people’s daily lifestyles. The Internet of Things creates a vast network of interconnected devices, sensors, and actuators that can collect, transmit, analyse, and use data to make intelligent decisions and take action. We can say that the IoT is the materialisation or manifestation of AmI that integrates this imaginary world with the real world through a common platform. IoT organises an environment which can be considered intelligent and independent, such as smart cities, things, health, or even intelligent life. The IoT communication model refers to several ways, in which IoT devices connect and share data. In this regard, we have observed from the literature that only the two methods have been commonly used for IoT messaging. Hence, in this work, we propose a messaging broadcast system using Publisher-subscriber and Reader-Writer methods. A study with discussion and analysis provided and indicates the reasonability and applicability of this proposed approach in IoT-based smart environments Internet of Things (IoT); messaging techniques; message queuing; communication models
eng MESSAGE BROADCASTING METHODS FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS Ambient Intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) have shown noticeable growth in recent years in changing people’s daily lifestyles. The Internet of Things creates a vast network of interconnected devices, sensors, and actuators that can collect, transmit, analyse, and use data to make intelligent decisions and take action. We can say that the IoT is the materialisation or manifestation of AmI that integrates this imaginary world with the real world through a common platform. IoT organises an environment which can be considered intelligent and independent, such as smart cities, things, health, or even intelligent life. The IoT communication model refers to several ways, in which IoT devices connect and share data. In this regard, we have observed from the literature that only the two methods have been commonly used for IoT messaging. Hence, in this work, we propose a messaging broadcast system using Publisher-subscriber and Reader-Writer methods. A study with discussion and analysis provided and indicates the reasonability and applicability of this proposed approach in IoT-based smart environments Internet of Things (IoT); messaging techniques; message queuing; communication models