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Determinants of firms' greenness towards sustainable development: A multi-country analysis
Autoři: Horbach Jens | Prokop Viktor | Stejskal Jan
Rok: 2023
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Business Strategy and the Environment
Název nakladatele: Wiley-Blackwell
Místo vydání: Hoboken
Strana od-do: 2868-2881
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Determinanty udržitelného chování firem: analýza vybraných států V naší empirické analýze založené na nedávných datech Světové banky je "greenness" měřeno různými environmentálními opatřeními, které firmy přijaly během předchozích 3 let, jako je výroba energie šetrnější ke klimatu, minimalizace odpadu a zlepšení osvětlovacích systémů. udržitelnost firem; analýza vybraných států; negativní binomická regrese
eng Determinants of firms' greenness towards sustainable development: A multi-country analysis A higher greenness of firms is crucial for the mitigation of climate change and other environmental pollution problems. This paper analyses the drivers of a greening of firms from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Three theoretical concepts-the stakeholder theory, the institutional theory and the resource-based view-contribute to identifying the determinants of firms' greenness. In our empirical analysis based on recent World Bank data, greenness is measured by different environmentally related measures firms adopted over the preceding 3 years, such as more climate-friendly energy generation, waste minimisation and the improvement of lighting systems. The results of probit and negative binomial regressions show that a high affectedness by environmental regulation triggers firms' greenness. In addition to this 'forced greenness', the results demonstrate that innovative firms are more likely to realise environmentally related measures. This finding also holds for firms affected by extreme weather events. A highly competitive environment is negatively connected with greenness. The corporate social responsibility of family-owned firms seems to be higher than non-family-owned firms. greenness of firms; multi-country analysis; negative binomial regression