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Utilization of Visible Spectral Indices for Land Cover Identification: Processing of RGB UAV-Borne
Autoři: Komárková Jitka | Sedlák Pavel | Jech Jakub | Mašín Oldřich
Rok: 2021
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Utilization of Visible Spectral Indices for Land Cover Identification: Processing of RGB UAV-Borne Land use/land cover (LU/LC) identification and consequent identification of LU/LC changes in time belong to important tasks, which can significantly support many human activities, including e.g. environment protection, water management, and urban planning. Remotely sensed data are used to identify LU/LC and calculate changes. UAVs can serve as a cheap and fast source of remotely sensed data for smaller areas. Data sensed using UAVs has very high spatial resolution and can be collected on demand, of course with respect to legal rules and weather conditions. Cheaper UAVs are equipped with an RGB camera only. Processing of RGB UAV-borne imagery by means of visible spectral indices (sometimes called vegetation indices) is described. Data was sensed by authors in April by means of DJI Phantom 3 with a built-in RGB camera by the flight planned in advance. Namely, CIVE, ExG, ExR, NDI, VDVI indices, and R/G ratio are used to process data and identify clear water surface, green vegetation, and dry vegetation as key land cover types. Results are interpreted and visualized. Each index accentuates another land cover type. Along with visual interpretation, RGB data can be successfully used for LU/LC changes detection. Land Cover; Visible Spectral Indices; UAV