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Pension-related application of the cohort life table
Autoři: Gogola Ján | Slavíček Ondřej
Rok: 2016
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: European Financial Systems 2016 : proceedings of the 13th International Scientific Conference
Název nakladatele: Masarykova univerzita
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: 191-198
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Aplikace kohortních úmrtnostních tabulek pro výpočet penze. Riziko dlouhověkosti je rizikem toho, že lidé žijí déle než se očekává, co může mít znační vliv na penzijní produkty pojišťoven. Proto je nevyhnutné mít jisté predikce vývoje do budoucna. Článek se zaměřil na modelování úmrtnosti lidí ve vyšším věku (65-95 let). Nejpoužívanějším modelem je Lee-Carter model, který se v článku aplikuje s cílem konstruovat kohortní-generační tabulky. Pomocí těchto tabulek odhadne výši 30leté anuity. riziko dlouhověkosti, anuita, stochastický model úmrtnosti, úmrtnostní tabulky, Lee-Carter model
eng Pension-related application of the cohort life table Longevity risk, the risk that people will live longer than expected, weighs heavily on those who run pension schemes and on insurers that provide annuities. Hence the prediction of future mortality rates is an issue of fundamental importance for the insurance and pensions industry. Our analysis focuses on mortality at higher ages (65-95), given our interest in pension-related applications where the risk associated with longer-term cash flow is primarily linked to uncertainty in future rates of mortality. The Lee-Carter model became one of the most applied models and it is used to forecast age-specific death rates. The main goal of this paper is to apply the Lee-Carter model to construct the so-called “cohort life tables” for calculation of a 30-year annuity to a person aged 65 in 2015. We use data on deaths and exposures for the Czech Republic from the Human Mortality Database (HMD). The HMD provides evidence that life expectancy is increasing. We have shown that if the today rate of increase will continue, it will at age 65 concluded (after calculation) to increase the present value of pension liabilities in defined-benefit schemes about 5 % if we use cohort life table instead of period life table. Probability statements derived from the use of a single model and parameter set should be treated with caution. Hence, there is a need for awareness of model risk when assessing longevity-related liabilities. longevity risk, annuity, stochastic mortality, life table, Lee-Carter model