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Publikace detail

Strategie výběru identifikačních znaků ve vícefaktorové autentizace
Autoři: Hub Miloslav
Rok: 2003
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: E+M Ekonomie a Management
Název nakladatele: Technická univerzita v Liberci
Místo vydání: Liberec
Strana od-do: 147-150
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Strategie výběru identifikačních znaků ve vícefaktorové autentizace The research work outline new vision of authentication. The main aim of this scientific article is to show advantages and disadvantages of variable ways of authentication. There are some ideas that suggests reasonable combination of different kinds of authentications. By this way it is possible to eliminate many disadvantages as well as enhance some quality. In article is used the appliance of propositional logic. autentizace, bezpečnost informací,dvoufaktorová autentizace, data, identifikace
eng The strategy of choosing of indentifical characteristics in multifactorial authentification The research work outline new vision of authentication. The main aim of this scientific article is to show advantages and disadvantages of variable ways of authentication. There are some ideas that suggests reasonable combination of different kinds of authentications. By this way it is possible to eliminate many disadvantages as well as enhance some quality. In article is used the appliance of propositional logic. authentication, security of information, two-factor authentication, data, identifikace