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Podmínky a bariéry inovativní tržní orientace při vytváření hodnoty pro zákazníka
Rok: 2007
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Moderné prístupy k manažmentu podniku
Název nakladatele: Slovenská technická univezita v Bratislave
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Podmínky a bariéry inovativní tržní orientace při vytváření hodnoty pro zákazníka The paper deals with a usage of market orientation principles in the High technology companies. The customers of these firms don?t know their preferences in new product abilities. This orientation can create long-term relationships. The Market orientation lowers market uncertainty, because the firm can better understand the customers. Detail study of the principles of their wants and needs can show more than customers know. The second part of this paper deals with a cooperation of two in new product development process key departments. The Department of marketing must effective cooperates with department of Research & development (R&D). The Marketing department provides information about customers, competitive and trends and degreases market uncertainty. The R&D department develops for the new product or innovation of existing product and degreases technology uncertainty. For long-time successful life on High technology markets is necessary managing these two departments into the productive collaboration.
eng Barieres of innovative market orientation The paper deals with a usage of market orientation principles in the High technology companies. The customers of these firms don?t know their preferences in new product abilities. This orientation can create long-term relationships. The Market orientation lowers market uncertainty, because the firm can better understand the customers. Detail study of the principles of their wants and needs can show more than customers know. The second part of this paper deals with a cooperation of two in new product development process key departments. The Department of marketing must effective cooperates with department of Research & development (R&D). The Marketing department provides information about customers, competitive and trends and degreases market uncertainty. The R&D department develops for the new product or innovation of existing product and degreases technology uncertainty. For long-time successful life on High technology markets is necessary managing these two departments into the productive collaboration. innovative; market orientation;