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Instruments of Competiveness Support for Employers and Employees
Autoři: Mazák Radek | Hájek Petr
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: IMEA 2004
Název nakladatele: University of Pardubice
Místo vydání:
Strana od-do:
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Nástroje pro podporu konkurenceschopnostinzaměstnavatelů a zaměstnanců trh práce;politika zamestnanosti;investicni pobidky;pracovni mista
eng Instruments of Competiveness Support for Employers and Employees The low rate of unemployment was one of the most important succesful factors of Czech way of transformation of former state economy. The government expected the companies to keep their staff on high level. But the second half of the nineties brought a lot of bankrupts. The employees lost their jobs and in most cases also their social status. The unemployement rate started to grow fastly from 4% in 1994 to 10,3% in 2004. The year 2004 could be described as the worst for the labour market in the new history of the Czech Republic. The government supports foreign direct investments, important investors are now settled in the country. It is clear, this is not the only solution. The labour market would not be in a better condition if access to social benefits is not restricted. This is the reason why people got used to staying at home and they refuse to start working again. This is typical for regions located far from towns, where daily travelling to work is neccessary. To improve this, the system of active employment policy was founded and introduced, this should bring new job positions and hiring new staff should be now more attractive for employers. The program was running on national level using help in the form of EU pre-accession funds, especially PHARE. From May 2004 the Czech Republic as a new nember of the EU will have enough opportunities to create more efficient system using native financial sources and also European sources offered from European Social Fund. On the background of these reforms is also important to reduce corporate taxes, so that the employers are not pushed to dismiss the people because of high level of costs. labour market;employment policy;investition support;offers of jobs