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Publikace detail

Structural funds
Autoři: Mandysová Ivana
Rok: 2004
Druh publikace: ostatní - přednáška nebo poster
Název zdroje: Pardubice Evropě
Název nakladatele: Město Pardubice
Místo vydání: Pardubice
Strana od-do:
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Strukturální fondy The Structural Funds are broken down by country and by Objective. The areas which may benefit from this funding are laid out by the Commission in agreement with the Czech Republic
eng Structural funds The Structural Funds are broken down by country and by Objective. The areas which may benefit from this funding are laid out by the Commission in agreement with the Czech Republic The Structural Funds are broken down by country and by Objective. The areas which may benefit from this funding are laid out by the Commission in agreement with the Czech Republic