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Publikace detail

Optimization of Municipalities with Extended Competence Selection
Autoři: Janáček Jaroslav | Linda Bohdan | Ritschelová Iva
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Strana od-do: nestránkováno
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
eng Optimization of Municipalities with Extended Competence Selection Municipalities with extended administration, in which public administration offices are located, were selected within the frame of public administration reform. The selection of municipalities was carried out on the basis of criteria set by the government and political subjects. From the point of view of citizens, the most important criterion for the dislocation of public administration branch offices is the transport availability. The paper deals with the creation of a mathematical model of the optimisation of branch offices dislocation and subsequent implementation. The solution of this model has three outputs. The first output is the evaluation of the contemporary state from the point of view of accessibility of branch offices. The second output is the sensibility analysis of accessibility depending on the number of branch offices. The third output is the post-optimisation analysis, which brought about numerical expression of the relationship between the cost of running a branch office and losses due to citizens travelling to municipalities with extended administration. public administration reform;municipalities with extended administration;optimal placement of municipalities with extended sphere of authority