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The Input Knowledge of Students in an Informatics Area
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: Informatika XXI/2008
Název nakladatele: Konvoj, spol. s r.o.
Místo vydání: Brno
Strana od-do: 1-5
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Vstupní znalosti studentů z oblasti informatiky Cílem příspěvku je popsat vstupníznalosti studentů středních škol, kteří nastoupili do první ročníku FES Univerzity Pardubice. znalosti; student; informatika; dotazníky
eng The Input Knowledge of Students in an Informatics Area The Input Knowledge of Students in an Informatics Area. Keywords: knowledge, student, informatics, set of questionnaire In this article an analysis of results of a suggested questionnaire set is presented. The questionnaire has had two major goals. In the first, we obtained information about knowledge and skills from students. During this part we focused into an elementary IT knowledge, a using of Microsoft Windows packet and Internet and E-mail skills. The second, we found out information about a specialization and place of secondary schools where students studied. Finally, the group of student be defined randomly from part time student at Faculty of Public Administration in University of Pardubice. This group has had 295 students from 320. The student group is composed on two parts (23% of male and 77% of female). The secondary school is divide to tree categories (a grammar school, a business academy and others). We mined following knowledge: in the third year IT subjects had 0 hour (34%) and 2 hours (38%) per week of study at the secondary school; in the fourth year IT subjects had 0 hour (41%) and 2 hours (28%) per week. There is usually use software MS Office without business academy at school. The knowledge of graduates of a grammar school and a business academy are similarly. The graduates of other secondary schools are better in use a spreadsheet processor but they are less in use PC generally. knowledge, student, informatics, set of questionnaire