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Computer Simulation of the Anisotropy of Fluorescence in Ring Molecular Systems: Tangential vs. Radial Dipole Arrangement
Autoři: Heřman Pavel | Barvík Ivan | Zapletal David
Rok: 2008
Druh publikace: článek v odborném periodiku
Název zdroje: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Název nakladatele: Springer
Místo vydání: Heidelberg
Strana od-do: 661-670
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Počítačová simulace anizotropie fluorescence uvnitř molekulárního prstence: Tangenciální versus radiální uspořádání Srovnání časového vývoje anizotropie fluorescence komplexů LH2 a LH4. Je uvažován neko-relovaný statický nepořádek v transfer integrálech společně s dynamickým nepořádkem pro interakci excitonu s lázní.
eng Computer Simulation of the Anisotropy of Fluorescence in Ring Molecular Systems: Tangential vs. Radial Dipole Arrangement Time dependence of the anisotropy of fluorescence in recently discovered cyclic antenna units of the BChl photosystem is modeled. Interaction with a bath and a static disorder here modeled as uncorrelated Gaussian disorder in the transfer integrals is taken into account. Parallel computer enviroment is used because one is forced to recalculate every physical quantity for several thousands of different realizations of disorder. Results for the ring LH4 with radial optical transition dipole arrangement are compared with those for the ring LH2 with the tangential one. The difference between LH2 and LH4 results for the static disorder in transfer integrals has an opposite sign in comparison with that one for the static disorder in local energies. Equivalent differences are shifted to a smaller times for the stronger interaction with a bath. B850 antenna complex;purple bacteria; dynamics;relaxation;disorder; epolarization