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Consequences of disorder in ring molecular aggregates: I. Exciton states in single molecule spectroscopy
Autoři: Heřman Pavel | Barvík Ivan | Zapletal David
Rok: 2009
Druh publikace: článek ve sborníku
Název zdroje: 16. konference českých a slovenských fyziků 2008
Název nakladatele: MAFY
Místo vydání: Hradec Králové
Strana od-do: 244-253
Jazyk Název Abstrakt Klíčová slova
cze Význam nepořádku v molekulárních agregátech: I. Excitonové stavy v single molekulové spektroskopii Srovnání časového vývoje anizotropie fluorescence komplexů LH2 a LH4. Je uvažován neko-relovaný statický nepořádek v transfer integrálech společně s dynamickým nepořádkem pro interakci excitonu s lázní. molekulární prstenec;excitované stavy;staický a dynamický nepořádek
eng Consequences of disorder in ring molecular aggregates: I. Exciton states in single molecule spectroscopy Ring shaped antenna units of bacterial photosynthetic complexes serve as an ideal models for investigation of the energy transport in real and artificial systems on microscopic level. One has to take into account influence of the environment on the bacteriochlorophyll molecules. Fast fluctuations are simulated by dynamic disorder taken into account using a Markovian treatment of the interaction with the bath. Slow fluctuations are simulated by static disorder here modelled as non-correlated Gaussian disorder in the transfer integrals. One is forced to recalculate every physical quantity (information) for several tausend of different realisations of the static disorder. Progress in computational techniques in recent years allowed effective numerical solution of corresponding dynamic equations of motion. Subsequently the time dependence of the anisotropy of fluorescence after an impulsive excitation in the B800 rings from LH4 complexes of purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas acidophila is calculated. The difference in results between radial arrangement of optical transition dipole moments in octameric LH4 and the tangential one in nonameric LH2 units is discussed. molecular ring;exciton states,;tatic and dynamic disorder;anisotropy of fluorescence