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Published: 02.12.2021

Having begun this spring, the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of the University of Pardubice culminated on Thursday, 11 November 2021. The 15th Week of Theory and Practice in Economics became a part of the Faculty's 30th birthday, at which seventy experts from the academic, business and public backgrounds made a speech. Dean of the Faculty prof. Jan Stejskal also ceremoniously opened an exhibition of student works entitled The Pandemic Age in Art Photography. The outcomes of the artistic work by the students of the study programme Applied Informatics – Multimedia for Business Practice have been on public display in the foyer of the Arnošt of Pardubice University Auditorium. 

The Faculty traditionally and continuously cooperates with representatives of public administration and professionals from the business sector. To commemorate this integral part of the Faculty's activities, the Dean of the Faculty decided to establish the Dean's Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administration, the first meeting of which also took place on 11 November. The Board is an advisory body to the Dean and its members are exclusively leading representatives of organizations with which the Faculty has developed a long-term cooperation in education and research.

The celebrations culminated in the afternoon and evening ceremonial meeting of current and former faculty staff, current doctoral students and many dozens of special guests who came to commemorate together, but also to talk about current events at the Faculty. The meeting was opened by a joint wish made by the Rector prof. Málek, Dean Emeritus of the Faculty prof. Čapek and the current Dean of the Faculty prof. Stejskal. She faced the faculty for years to come. The dear colleague Dr. Miloš Charbuský recalled the very beginnings and context of the establishment of the Faculty. After a concert performed by the East Bohemian Academic Orchestra, all participants continued with the social gathering.

May the wish for good co-workers, excellent students and sound health come true to enable the Faculty to carry out its activities for many years to come. Happy birthday, our Faculty of Economics and Administration!