We educate experts in the field of economic disciplines with an emphasis on public administration, regional development and public sector economics, business economics and management of non-financial and financial entities and in the field of informatics in branches of study closely related to public administration, regional development, business economics and insurance. We offer comprehensive studies at the bachelor‘s, master‘s and doctoral level in English. We implement a so-called joint degree programme with our partner University in Lithuania and we have accredited a double degree programme with the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. Our graduates have good jobs in the practice of public administration and private companies, but also in non-profit organisations. They work as experts in economic processes in the development and operation of information technology, and they hold positions in the insurance industry. We are involved in basic and applied research projects. To do this, we use funding from national and international grant research agencies. Our projects are focused on issues of public administration, informatics, regional development, economic growth and environmental and safety aspects. We cooperate with industry, involving practitioners directly in teaching, organising professional workshops and excursions for students to cooperating institutions. We implement professional internships and also process final theses for our partner organisations