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ESN - International Exchange/Erasmus Student Netrwork

About Buddy Programme

It aims to put together local students (buddies) and exchange students. We presume that very few of you speak communicative Czech and even those few would be thankful for a helping hand in the orientation phase of your staying at the University of Pardubice, at least in the first while after your arrival.

Who is a Buddy?

It is a Czech-speaking student who will help you during your stay in Pardubice and is here to answer your questions about practical issues (accommodation, transportation to Pardubice, administration...).

Where does buddy help?

Buddy can pick you up after your arrival in Pardubice and accompany to the dormitories where will help with formalities. He/she can also show you the University campus, Menza, the university library, the students' halls... explain how the public transport works and give some tips on where to go and what to see and where are essential institutions (post office, hospital, etc.).