Coming from a developing African country, the study of Public Administration oriented to Regional Development and Governance offered at the University of Pardubice has been more than just an eye-opener in terms of the national economic and social potential that countries possess, desirable policy trends that could be adopted as well as the good governance of national and international policies. Largely aided by the pragmatic, interactive teaching approach and the international and comparative experience of studying one course in two different countries, I’ve been endowed with deeper knowledge not just for public and non-public administration but also on a social and interpersonal level. Furthermore, the peace and calm of Czech Republic and Lithuania, the always-ready- to-help demeanour of teachers and international colleagues and level of diligence attached to the success of international students in faculty. This attention to detail and desire to help more than made up for the language barrier making it even easier to decide on following up my study to the PhD. level at the Faculty of Economics and Administration here at the University of Pardubice. I will always owe my international exposure and growth to this noble institution and country.