The Institute of Systems Engineering and Informatics develops cooperation with companies and public administration organizations in the Czech Republic and abroad. Due to the fact that information technologies have become an indispensable part of company practice and the functioning of public administration, cooperation with practice takes place on four levels. At the first level is the exchange of information and experience in the form of lectures and workshops. At the second level, it is the involvement of students in solving problems in the form of processing seminar, bachelor's and master's theses. The third level is to acquaint students with the program tools and methodology of their use in the activities of the organizations, including possible certification in the field. The last level is the completion of professional internships in partner organizations.
We are currently developing cooperation mainly with the following institutions and organizations:
- Krajský úřad Pardubického kraje
- MěÚ Pardubice
- eBrána, s.r.o.
- BOC Group company
- Detektivní kancelář BuldoQ
- Otevřená města, z.s.
- Foxconn CZ, s.r.o.
- KCT Data, s.r.o.
- TRIGA partners, s.r.o.
- RETIA, a.s.
- BABYLON Shop, s.r.o.
Within the study program Applied Informatics - Multimedia in Company Practice, we cooperate with renowned regional photographers (Miloš Fic, Pavel Šmíd and Radek Kalhouse).