Within the framework of their consulting activities the academic members of the Institute also cooperate with the subjects of the business sphere among which can be found:
- Synthesia, a.s.
- Foxconn CZ
- Pivovar Pernštejn, a.s.
- ČSOB pojišťovna
- Fio banka, Pardubice
- Nextreality, Pardubice
- Darkmay, s.r.o.
- Holcim, Česká republika,
- BASF, Česká republika
- ATAS, elektromotory Náchod, a.s.
- Sdružení dopravních podniků ČR
- Petrof, s.r.o., Hradec Králové, apod.
The cooperation with institutions dealing with the protection of intellectual property (Patent Office, Office of Industrial Property, Regional Chamber of Commerce of Pardubice Region, regional authorities, offices and municipalities) is also being developer.