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Ing. Renáta Bílková, Ph.D.

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  • 466 036 015
  • Faculty of Economics and Administration

    Institute of System Engineering and Informatics (40530)

    assistant professor
  • Konzultační hodiny
    Thursday: 10:00-11:00
  • Teaching
  • Publications
  • Projects


USII/CECM (2024) G PR - -
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USII/FELO (2024) G PR - -
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USII/FMI1 (2024) - - CV -
USII/FSOS (2024) G PR CV -
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USII/FUMU (2024) G PR CV -
USII/FZZV (2024) - PR CV -


12. 03. 2025
10:00-12:00EA / 04030USIIFTPD20
12:00-14:00EA / 04030USIIFMI120
14:00-16:00EA / 04030USIIFMI120
13. 03. 2025
08:00-10:00EA / 03029USIIFTPD20
14:00-16:00EA / 03029USIIFTPD20
17. 03. 2025
08:00-10:00EA / 03029USIIFMI121



BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KAŠPAROVÁ, M. The role of multimedia in e-commerce: An analysis of Czech e-shop websites. In 2024 ZOOMING INNOVATION IN CONSUMER TECHNOLOGIES CONFERENCE, ZINC 2024. NEW YORK: IEEE, 2024. s. 108-113 s. ISBN 979-8-3503-4915-3.
PETR, P. - KAŠPAROVÁ, M. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. IDENTIFYING THE COMPETENCIES OF BUSINESS STUDENTS TO CREATE EFFECTIVE MULTIMEDIA CONTENT BY USE OF ASSOCIATION RULES. In EDULEARN23 Proceedings. Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2023. s. 2978-2986 s. ISBN 978-84-09-52151-7.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - HORÁK, O. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. Multimedia content in online advertising: insight into generation Z preferences. In Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). New York: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2023. s. 191760 s. ISBN 979-8-3503-0527-2.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KAŠPAROVÁ, M. ADAPTING UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE DIGITAL MARKETING INDUSTRY. In EDULEARN23 Proceedings. Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2023. s. 2970-2977 s. ISBN 978-84-09-52151-7.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - JECH, J. ENHANCEMENT OF SKILLS OF MARKETING STUDENTS WITH FOCUS ON SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. In ICERI2021 : proceedings. Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2021. s. 8918-8926 s. ISBN 978-84-09-34549-6.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Digital marketing communication in the age of globalization. In SHS Web of Conferences, Volume 129 (2021). Les Ulis: EDP Sciences - Web of Conferences, 2021. s. 1-10 s.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. WHY MARKETING STUDENTS SHOULD STUDY MULTIMEDIA SKILLS. In EDULEARN20 : Proceedings. Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2020. s. 4287-4293 s. ISBN 978-84-09-17979-4.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KRÁLOVÁ, A. Adoption model of m-government services. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies, IDT 2017. New York: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2017. s. 52-55 s. ISBN 978-1-5090-5688-0.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - MÁCHOVÁ, R. - LNĚNIČKA, M. Evaluating the Impact of Open Data Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2015, vol. 22, no. 34, s. 29-41. ISSN: 1211-555X.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Social network marketing: An examination of marketing behavior of small businesses. In Proceedings of the 26th International Business Information Management Association Conference. Norristown: International Business Information Management Association-IBIMA, 2015. s. 2171-2180 s. ISBN 978-0-9860419-5-2.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - MÁCHOVÁ, R. Affect e-commerce services the use of services offered by eGovernment?. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies 2015. New York: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2015. s. 39-43 s. ISBN 978-1-4673-7186-5.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. Model of Expectation and Satisfaction in B2C electronic commerce International Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2014, vol. 2, no. 2/2014, s. 99-107. ISSN: 2309-0685.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Elektronická komunikace podniku se službami veřejné správy. In Advances in Informatics, Management and Economics: Pokroky v informatice, managementu a ekonomii. 1. vyd. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2014. 19 s. ISBN: 978-80-7395-811-4.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. Supporting Distance Students: Possibilities Of E-Learning Systems. In EDULEARN14 Proceedings. Madrid: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2014. s. 1172-1180 s. ISBN 978-84-617-0557-3.
KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. Mobile Devices in Learning – are Students Ready for the Change?. In ICETA 2014: Proceedings. Los Alamitos: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2014. s. 39-44 s. ISBN 978-1-4799-7740-6.
KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. Teaching Information Systems for Students at Business Programs: Possibilities of E-­‐Learning Environment. In DIVAI 2014 10th International Scientific Conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics Conference proceedings. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, a. s., 2014. s. 373-382 s. ISBN 978-80-7478-497-2.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Měření efektivity e-governmentu. In Systémové inženýrství a informatika. 1. vyd. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2013. 6 s. ISBN: 978-80-7395-732-2.
KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. - REMEŠOVÁ, L. SYSTÉMOVÉ POJETÍ PROCESU ZADÁVÁNÍ VEŘEJNÝCH ZAKÁZEK NA ÚROVNI OBCÍ. In Systémy složité a zjednodušené. 1. vyd. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2013. 6 s. ISBN: 978-80-7395-572-4.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - DVOŘÁK, J. PODNIKOVÉ INFORMAČNÍ SYSTÉMY MENŠÍCH A STŘEDNÍCH FIREM. In Systémy složité a zjednodušené. 1. vyd. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2013. 5 s. ISBN: 978-80-7395-572-4.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. Enhancing e-commerce by website quality. In Recent Advances in Business Administration, Marketing and Economics. Piscataway: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2013. s. 40-47 s. ISBN 978-1-61804-212-5.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. ELEKTRONICKÁ KOMUNIKACE PODNIKU SE SLUŽBAMI VEŘEJNÉ SPRÁVY. In Conference Proceedings The 13th Conference of Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists in Informatics, Management, Economics and Administration IMEA 2013. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2013. s. 39-48 s. ISBN 978-80-7395-696-7.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Možnosti měření e-governmentu. In Interdisciplinární mezinárodní vědecká konference doktorandů a odborných asistentů QUAERE 2013. Hradec Králové: MAGNANIMITAS, 2013. s. 1131-1139 s. ISBN 978-80-905243-7-8.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Hodnocení spokojenosti uživatelů e-government služeb. In Sborník příspěvků z mezinárodní Masarykovy konference pro doktorandy a mladé vědecké pracovníky 2013. Hradec Králové: MAGNANIMITAS, 2013. s. 1348-1354 s. ISBN 978-80-87952-00-9.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - DVOŘÁK, J. Možnosti rozvoje elektronického obchodu Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2012, vol. 1, no. 25, s. 30-41. ISSN: 1211-555X.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. Using web analytics to study non-price competition in the e-commerce environment. In Advances in Computer Science: proceedings of the 6th WSEAS European Computing Conference (ECC '12). Stevens Point: WSEAS Press, 2012. s. 187-192 s. ISBN 978-1-61804-126-5.
KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - KOPÁČEK, L. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. - NAIMAN, K. Text Processing in Business Intelligence WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 2007, vol. 1, no. 6, s. 117-122. ISSN: 1109-2742.
ŠIMONOVÁ, S. - NAIMAN, K. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. - JONÁŠOVÁ, H. EASY BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE TOOLS FOR DATA ANALYSIS WSEAS Transactions on Communications, 2007, vol. 1, no. 6, s. 250-255. ISSN: 1109-2742.
KOMÁRKOVÁ, J. - NOVÁK, M. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. - VÍŠEK, O. - VALENTA, Z. Usability of GeoWeb Sites: Case Study of Czech Regional Authorities Web Sites Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007, vol. 4439, no. 4439, s. 411-423. ISSN: 0302-9743.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. - NAIMAN, K. INTEROPERABILITY IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. In The 7th Annual Ph.D. Conference IMEA 2007 (Conference Paper Abstracts). Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. s. 1-4 s. ISBN 978-80-7194-965-7.
NAIMAN, K. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. Security aspects of data sharing. In The 7th Annual Ph.D. Conference IMEA 2007 (Conference Paper Abstracts). Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2007. s. 1-5 s. ISBN 978-80-7194-965-7.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. PROPOJOVÁNÍ POČÍTAČOVÝCH APLIKACÍ Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice - Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2006, vol. 10, no. 1, s. 14-18. ISSN: 1211-555X.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. E-government v mezinárodním kontextu. In Veřejná správa 2006. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2006. s. 94 s. ISBN 80-7194-882-9.
KOPÁČEK, L. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. - NAIMAN, K. New Methods for Text Categorization. In 5th WSEAS International Conference on Computional, Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (CIMMACS '06). Atény: WSEAS Press, 2006. s. 246-251 s. ISBN 960-8457-56-4.
NAIMAN, K. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. Business Intelligence - questions of data mining. In Doctus 2006. Bratislava: AT Publishing - PhDr. Marta Horvátová, Bratislava 2006, 2006. s. 1-5 s. ISBN 80-88954-36-3.
ŠIMONOVÁ, S. - NAIMAN, K. - KOPÁČKOVÁ, H. - BÍLKOVÁ, R. APPROACHES OF QUALITY OUTPUTS FROM THE BUSINESS SYSTEMS. In Preoceedings. of Conference on Computional, Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics. Atény: WSEAS Press, 2006. s. 282-285 s. ISBN 960-8457-55-6.
BÍLKOVÁ, R. Využití služeb e-governmentu českými firmami. In Aktuální otázky rozvoje regionů. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2005. s. 29-33 s. ISBN 80-7194-777-6.


A project to support creative and pedagogical activities using the ChatGPT Team AI tool
15.10.24 - 31.12.25
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Economics and Administration
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Projekt na podporu rozvoje studijního programu Aplikovaná informatika - Multimédia ve firemní praxi
01.02.23 - 31.12.23
Programme: Internal grants - Faculty of Economics and Administration
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Innovation of Social Network and E-commerce courses for the new study program Multimedia in Company Operations
01.01.20 - 30.11.20
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Principal Investigator

Support of academic staff education with focus on multimedia in corporate practice
01.01.18 - 31.12.18
Programme: Internal development competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Economic and social development in private and public sector
01.01.16 - 31.12.16
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Economic and social development in private and public sector
01.01.15 - 31.12.15
Programme: Student Grant Competition
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator

Multimediální podpora pro výuku předmětu Elektronický obchod
01.01.12 - 31.12.12
Programme: HEDF - F5 d)
Funded by:
Position on the project: Co-Investigator